Sziasztok! :)
Szerintem már tudjátok, hogy ez nem csak egy design oldal. Találhattok itt cikkeket, ajánlókat, rajzokat, történeteket, de design kellékeket is, és tulajdonképpen mindent, ami érdekes lehet. Így hát, arra gondoltam, miért ne lehetne egy ilyen sorozat is? Hisz igazából értelmetlen, de érdekes is lehet, és ilyet még úgysem láttam sehol máshol. Így ha felesleges is lesz ez az egész, legalább valami egyedit csinálhatok, amit szeretek.
Szóval, arról lenne szó, hogy ti küldtök egy videót, én pedig leírom, hogy mi található benne. Igen, konkrétan leírom a szöveget belőle. Lehet, hogy csak időpocsékolás, de legalább ezt szeretem csinálni és mint már említettem, ilyet még sehol nem láttam, így pedig legalább egyedi leszek. Talán most a fejeteket fogjátok, de semmi probléma. Mivel nem szerettem volna rengeteget várni a sorozat elkezdése előtt, ezért az első videót én választottam ki. Egy angol videóról lenne szó, mégpedig a The Sim Supply nevű csatorna első videójáról! Akik ismerik Jame'-t (én már csak így hííívom, hihihi), szerintm tudják, milyen a hangja most. De vajon milyen lehetett a hangja 6 évvel ezelőtt, 2009-ben? A videót ezen a linken érhetitek el.
James: Hey, I'm Flabiliki, and I'm gonna show you today, how to make a multi-level basement! 'eeem after I done that, I'll give you a few tips on how to make the house work on a multi-level basement and a few things you can do as well. Aaam, mind you, this is not a fantastic house, so just ignore that fact. Okay, before we get started, I will warn you, this is quite a tricky task, and I try to explain it best as I can, so just watch carefully. Okay, first thing I wanna do, go to build mode, select staircases and then select connecting stairs. And then doesn't matter which stair, pick one of these, it doesn't matter. I was gonna go with this one because it's the first one. Eee, what you gonna do, place six stair just like this, so place one, two, three, four, five, six. Now we gonna remove each one of these stairs, and we do this because the lowest point down there is gonna be the lowest point that our basement. Okay, so we want to remove the stairs down, so hold down control, and click on each of the stairs. Now I wanna go back, and I wanna go get the leveling tool. From the lowest point, drag out the size of your basement, it doesn't matter, I could just do it like this but I'm gonna go with this, and a bit of special...alright, and then after that we just saw this around. Ooops, I'm done. Alright, has the lowest point of our basement! Now what we gonna do, is go to build walls, down here, build it like however you want it to be. Just the outline of the walls, now the walls. Got up the floor and do the same on this level here. And then, on the ground, on ground level at here, from here to here, we wanna build a wall around there. Oooh, it didn't work ch. And then you walk here. Okay, we do around this/that. Alright, so I'm gonna build a wall around the outside of this. When you done that, gonna go up a level and do it again, but this will be start here. Ooops, drag it out, oooh no. Oh my gosh. Alright, aaah! I'm gonna build it like this. The reason why it become a little bit tricky place walls because the game-thing still keeps the level of this wall down here, so yeah. Okay, this is where we have to enter a cheat, so control, shift and c in the same time, and then BoolProp b double o l p r o p space ConstrainFloorElevation false, enter. And we go to floors, it doesn't matter which floor, just pick the first one you see. You wanna drag it out over this whole section of the inside here, and your now set the flattens to wall stay on. And what else I say about, the wall sticking above the ground, this is what I mean. They don't go flat along the ground; they just stick up like this. Then what you basically do is build your house on top of it so access the foundation of the house and it's also a basement. Well, two-storey basement as you can see. So we are actually pretty much done on this, ammm, so, just build your house on top of it. I'm just gonna build a box-house because it's just a demonstration. Yeah, alright, that's my house! It's a pretty good house I say. Build floors, aaah, yes, and you go back into connecting stairs. Oh, don't forget to turn the cheat off, otherwise this will happen. If you don't turn the cheat off and try to place stairs, your placement the ground like that. So turn the cheat off by pressing control, shift, c and pressing the up arrow once, and then backspacing false and replacing with true, and clicking enter. And now it doesn't allow you to place it there. So you can place the stairs going straight down like that, or the way I passed off her, I'm just gonna add the cheat again, getting a wall, placing a square there, and notice how it's gone full high, and sort of punk that up. Just get the leveling tool, drag it across out, and it calmed down makes a plat. Just drag it on the second floor. Oh, and noticing there is floating a bit of wall, so what do you do, go down a level, and your notice here, there's a little triangle's missing which is floating up here. So what we do, go the wall tool, hold control, and go over the wall like that, like the way of but don't the way, then just go back, and your fine! And then guess what. Oh, damn, this wall here is flocked up, so let's flat that out, and select this out. So yeah, I was placing stairs here, oh, that sounds like we have to cheat, always turn on and then turn it off, otherwise your probably screw up your entire long, oh, hold on. What I'm doing here is just standing up, because it's the wrong way to my stairs. Uh, I got a little triangle there because the select of the wall. Alright, so place the stairs like this down, even if it doesn't look very good. I'm just showing you what you can do and the benefit of having a double foundation. And yeah, a little benefit is you could have it if you want, so a little benefit is bring foundation the level, bring it up, it's like got this level tool, hah, bring it up like this, to the next level, make sure that's of like down again. Oh, that's a little bit of strange. Turn off the cheat, huh, floor that, if then you can, you can also use it as a split level. The stairs gone up, that section, and then possibly, if you wanted to, we go to this level, have stairs from here, not going down that far, if fit game, let me do, I don't know if it do, oh, it do, okay. That you start stairs here, and they don't have a bottom. So, then you can have stairs go down there, stairs like that, and there, and then down another level. And then I put there. And their come their, down the bottom level. I don't know why but I place it there and it stopped. Anyway, I control z it because that's not alright it. So this is you multi-level basement right here. You can place anything on this floor, this floor and the very bottom floor, which is down here. You like downside, as you can probably tell is that massive ditch right here, which I have to cover up by one scale. But, another that, it's actually completely functional and work perfectly. So, well, I hope you were enjoy this tutorial, I explain it all, if not, feel free to comment on this video and ask me any questions you want, thank you. Credits: Voice: Flabaliki. Filmer: Flabaliki. Editor: Flabaliki. Visit for more episodes!
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